Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Week 2008!

Bayley painting her Easter Eggs
My one attempt at an Easter picture...we were running late for church
Bayley working on her new Jewelry making set...Easter present

Trey playing with his new car racers...Easter Bunny
Kendal swinging at the park
Our favorite fast food mascot...Chick-fil-A Cow
Trey at the Saturday Easter Egg of the two eggs he picked up that morning
Kendal painting her Easter eggs
Trey trying to cause trouble while we paint Easter Eggs

Trey tried to put on Mom's mascara
Kendal's first bad bike accident...two strawberries on her knees
Trey thinks he is hot stuff on Kendal's bike
Enrichment dance lessons
Trey enjoying the swing at the park!

We had a happening week around here. Not only did we participate in the traditional activities associated with Easter, but we also had lots if extracurricular activities. Every Wednesday night Jeff has mutual, but twice a month I also do Faith in God Girls on the same night. Bayley also has swim on Wednesday nights, so after picking her up we all head to the church for a night full of activities. I love doing the Faith in God Girls Activities, but it does make for a late night for us. The kids of course love it, but I usually am reminded about our busy late night the next day around nap time.
Thursday night we had our first Enrichment Night of the year. This year we planned our Relief Society Birthday Celebration around the theme of "Are you an 8 Cow Woman". We watched Johnny Lingo, a classic LDS movie, then we had two 10 minute classes, one entitled "Holy Cow" and the other entitled "Mad Cow". After the mini-classes we had hula dance instruction were we learned how to "shake". We ended the evening with Hawaiian Haystacks and Frozen Hawaiian Pie. Everything went smoothly and I think the sisters had a good time. As the Enrichment Counselor in Relief Society, I am so excited when an activity is over and there was a good turnout and everything went as planned! I do live in a great branch were we have very talented sisters who are willing to share their talents.
Friday Bayley was out of school so she was able to join us at the library for story time and an Easter Egg Hunt. There were over 240 eggs for 10 kids...they loaded up on eggs and candy. After the library we headed to the park for a picnic. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, so the park was jam packed. We had a great time though!
Saturday I woke up at 6 am to get in my 11 mile run...yes, I am training for another 1/2 marathon. This 1/2 marathon is in Louisville, Kentucky in April. After running my first 1/2 marathon last December in Memphis, I swore I would never run that long of a race again. Well, here I go again...I run April 26th and I am pretty sure that will be my last race for a long time. After my run we dashed out of the house for another Easter Egg Hunt. This time there were tons of people and just a few eggs for each child. The entire hunt was over in less than 1 minute. Oh well, the kids still had a good time and we definitely didn't need any more candy. In fact, the Easter Bunny has taken into consideration that my kids get lots of candy even before he leaves eggs on Easter Morning. So instead of candy-filled eggs, my kids hunt for eggs filled with pennies and nickels. They love it and they fill rich after the hunt. We have had a wonderful Easter day and week! We love Easter and the opportunity to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter also is a great kickoff to spring and our favorite seasons of the year...spring, summer and fall (I am not a winter person).

What your grass looks like after the welder who is repairing your fence starts your grass on fire...He swears that the burnt patch of grass will be greener than the rest of the grass once it grows back in! I'll let you know if this is true in a couple of months!


Lindsay Griffeth said...

I look forward to when Nate actually understands the holidays and enjoys them! Sounds like you guys had a great Easter week. Kendal looks really old in the picture of her on the swing. I can't believe she's almost 4.

I knew you'd get addicted to running. Next you'll train for the FULL marathon. :)

Doreen Griffeth said...

Love the updates! Sounds like you are BUSY, too!!! A mom's work is never finished! You make it look good!
Sounds like the kids had a great Easter weekend. We can't wait to see them this weekend!

Vanessa Shannon said...

Looks like fun! I cant believe you are running again...that is great though. I wish I could do it! Have a great week.... Oh did you hear Shannon and Brad McKinney are having a little girl today (or tomorrow?) I have a link to her myspace page on my blog.

highdeekay said...

Good times! The Enrichment was great fun.