I've decided I need to resolve to do a better job of updating the blog in this new year. I did pretty well last year until I had a baby, moved, and then the Holidays came. I think that I'm finally starting to settle in now that the Holidays are over, so hopefully weekly blogging will become more regular.
We've had an eventful month, but it has definitely been a fun one. We spent Christmas here at home and enjoyed the time together as a family immensely. For the first time we were able to start some of our own Christmas traditions, which included eating breakfast for Christmas Eve dinner, talking about the birth of our Savior and opening presents in front of the fire taking time to tell why we were thankful for the person/persons who had given us the gift. The kids got a lot of fun gifts and are still enjoying trying them all out. We met Grandma and Grandpa "G" at Lake Wedowee Christmas day for Christmas dinner and to play games. It was a great day!
After church on the 27th, we headed north to spend time with our family in Indiana. The drive went well until we hit ice in Louisville, Kentucky at which point I decided that the only thing worse than driving in the ice is being a passenger in a car driving in ice. We made it though safe and sound and had a wonderful week in Indiana. The kids were spoiled rotten by Grandma Nancy and Pawpaw Rick. Not only did they get great presents, but they got to go to the movies with Grandma Nancy and even got to buy treats at the theatre. Jeff, Bayley, Kendal and I also got to go ice skating with Sydney while we were there. It was mine and Kendal's first times and we had a great time hanging on the rails. Jeff decided he would make a better spectator and photographer than skater so he watched while we skated. The best part about it all was that the experience was completely FREE!
The Bunch of Us
While in Indiana we also got to spend some time with Grandpa Daryl, Terri, Erin, Cheryl, Barry, Kelly, and Grandma and Grandpa Thornton. The kids once again got to experience Christmas all over again with more great gifts. We really have been blessed with such great family and it was so nice to get to spend time with some of them that we don't get to see often enough during this Christmas season. It was a great trip.
After returning home we had a couple of days to recuperate from our travels before the girls headed back to school. Their first week back was shortened due to the threat of snow this last Thursday, so they had an extra day off to just hang out at home. After all the hype, however, we didn't get any of the white stuff. The kids were all very disappointed. They were even more disappointed when they found out that Georgia got our snow and that Grandma and Grandpa "G" were getting to see snow.
On a final note, on Christmas Day Adison turned 3 months old. Fortunately she survived the Christmas present opening chaos and escaped with just a small bump on the head (a present was dropped on her head as it was being passed between older sisters). She continues to be a sweet addition to our family. She smiles a lot and loves to suck on her hands. She has started to giggle and also is becoming a bit more opinionated... I guess you kind of have to get that way to survive in this house! We really do love her and can't believe that 3 months has already flown by.
Well, I've started out my first post of this new year right...Let's see how long this resolution lasts, hopefully the whole year long!
We would LOVE for you to keep your resolution of posting more. Maybe you'll rub off on Leigh, too. :) We like to see what you guys are up to all the way across the country!
Excellent post. Fun pictures.
Sounds like a busy fun holiday time. And I like your resolution to blog more. You put great pictures up. I love your family and miss you tons.
Sounds like a fun and busy holiday season & trip. Your baby is adorable! I can't picture you gripping rails to ice skate- you are a natural athlete at everything! Happy New Year!
Alisha if anyone can keep their resolution it will be you. You do what you set out to do. So Goodluck with this year! We Love what you post no matter what it is. Thanks!
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