We would like to proudly announce that Bayley recently came in second place in the elementary school division in our local newspaper's annual Ghostwriter Contest. And yes, there were real prizes...she won a $25 gift card to the mall! She is an aspiring writer with quite the imagination! We are so proud of her! Here is the story for your reading enjoyment!
A Ghost Goes to School
By Bayley Thornton
DeArmanville Elementary School, First Grade
Once upon a time, there was a little ghost named Todd. He was about to go to school, but he was a little afraid. So he asked his Dad for help.
He told his dad he was a little afraid of school and what it would be like. So his Dad told him what it was like.
"You will have a teacher, when you are good you will have a green light. When you have a red light you have to go to the principal who may call your mom or dad.
And so, school is a place you will do work for your teacher and us. You will bring it home in your book bag and we will see how well you have learned.
The third part of school is the behavior. To behave is something that your teacher expects from you. If you are kind to your friends than you have been very good."
So that is what school is like, his Dad said.
"But Dad, are there going to be any friends in my class?"
"I don't know," said his dad.
The first day of school Todd met his teacher, Mrs. Gallahar the ghost. She said today we are going to be learning about animals.
"I am going to give you an animal page to color on. Follow the directions on the top."
Todd quickly finished his work, and then Mrs. Gallahar said it was time to go to the rug. Then Todd went to Station One and his partners name was Kaleb. And they started on their work. The first thing that they had to do was get out their scissors and cut and cut. Then they had to glue the paper onto the correct places on the paper. Then they shared their stories with one another.
Todd's story was about a little mouse that went down a street to go to the bakery and then he got a cake and he brought it back to his wife who was having a baby. Kaleb's story went like this: One upon a time there was a boy named Jeopardy who went to the store to get some soup for a sick boy at home.
And they went to recess, and it was about 10 minutes. And then it was snack time…it was ice cream day. These were the choices fudge, drumsticks, dippin-dots, plain ice cream with a spoon, popsicles, and banana and strawberry ice cream.
Then they went back to class and watched the movie "Home on the Range."
Then it was time to go home. Todd told his father his first day of school was very good.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Ghostwriter Contest Winner
Posted by Alisha at 9:13 AM 4 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Halloween Warm-up
So, Halloween isn't really here yet, but as you all know there are many activities that lead up to the actual event. Bayley and Kendal love Halloween...they love ALL holidays, but they start talking about next year's Halloween in November and then the talk does not stop. Bayley decided she was going to be a Mermaidia Fairy, from the Barbie Fairytopia book and DVD. We got her costume last year and after trying in on throughout the year she was pleased with this costume. Well, after wearing it to the fall festival I assumed that would be her costume for Halloween. Then came the church Fall Festival celebration last night. The primary announced that there would be prizes for the best costumes, so Friday night Bayley decided that she didn't like the Fairy costume anymore and that she wanted to be a mummy. Well, after explaining to her that we did not have what she needed to be a mummy I helped her go through our dress-up stuff and we found a clown costume that looked pretty cute on her. She will tell you I forced her to wear it, but I did give her a choice...the fairy costume or the clown costume. Tell me you don't think she looked cute????
Kendal was a cute giraffe...she chose that costume over a pumpkin and bumble bee costume and Trey was a puppy dog. Even Jeff dressed up...the girls talked him into wearing the Frankenstien bolts over his cap. We had a great time at the festival where the kids played games like Donut on a string, the cake walk, and did a mummy craft.
Monday night for Family night the girls helped Jeff carve the pumpkin. They had a great time and I think the results were pretty good. In fact, we ended up winning the prize at the fall festival for the funniest pumpkin...the girls were excited.
An update on the week would not be complete without a running update. I ran 11 miles yesterday...I have reached the intense training weeks leading up to the 1/2 marathon in December. After mile 8 I was in pain...my hip flexors, knees and shins are not quite conditioned for that much running yet. Hopefully it will get better because it really wasn't that much fun. Only 5 more weeks until the big race though...I can see the end in sight!!!
Posted by Alisha at 9:22 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
A Weekly Wrap-Up
Bayley's serious pose
Kendal imitating Bayley's serious pose
Bayley loves to do a silly pose at the end
Fall Festival Hayride
One short experience I have got to share...last Monday we decided to go and get our flu shots. Bayley looks forward to shots so I don't worry about her. Kendal on the other hand threw a fit last time she had to get a shot, so we have been talking about her getting her flu shot for a couple of weeks now. We talked about how it hurts a little, that it feels like a pinch, but it is quick and is over really fast. In fact, I pinched her a couple of times telling her that that is how a shot will feel. So, after much talk she announced on Monday she was ready to get her shot. Not wanting to miss the opportunity we made our way to the doctor's office. As we walked in to get our shots you could tell that the nurse was dreading giving the shots to 3 small children. Trey and I decided to go first, while Bayley and Kendal sat in the hall with their dad. Trey sat on my lap and screamed when he was poked, but stopped as soon as the needle was out and didn't cry anymore after that. Bayley went next and took the shot like a pro and then finally it was Kendal's turn. You could see the terror on her face as she sat down, but you could also tell she was trying her hardest to be tough. So I started counting with her as a distraction and before we knew it the shot was over...she only winced when the needle went in but then she was fine. Not a tear! The nurses were extremely impressed by the show of toughness from the Thornton clan in getting their flu shots. I can only hope that everytime will be this easy.
Finally, I think Saturday was the last day of swimming for the season. The girls and Trey swam for about 30 minutes in the chilly water, but had a great time. This week we are supposed to have a cold front come through, so I think we are going to cover the pool sometime this week. Spring will not be here fast enough for the Thornton family!
Posted by Alisha at 8:52 AM 4 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Fall Break Fun!
When you have a child in school, life revolves around their school schedule. Our lives are definitely more routine when Bayley is in school, however, we love it when she has a break. This last week Bayley had fall break. I know that growing up we never had a whole week off for a break during the fall, but I actually think that it is pretty nice. The weather is still very nice and the kids can still enjoy a lot of outdoor activities. Bayley had big plans for this week and I have to say that we had a good time checking things off her list. Monday we decided to go to the park for a picnic, then after the park we went to the Anniston Museum of Science and Natural History...a local museum. The park was great...a little hot for October, and the museum was much better than I had anticipated.
Saturday was big day for us around here. Bayley had her first ever swim meet. We weren't sure what to expect as this was a first for all of us, but we knew that Bayley would do well. Grandpa G made the trip from Marietta to see Bayley compete. Bayley swam in the 25M Freestyle, 25M Backstroke and the 50M Freestyle. She competed well and finished 4th, 2nd, and 3rd in her races. For only starting serious practice 6 weeks ago she did great. She has realized that there is some room for improvement. There was one little 6 year old girl that was a monster in the water...she was fast. Hopefully we can keep Bayley motivated because she does have a great future in swimming if she wants.
Our Crazy Swimmer
Our Serious Swimmer
Bayley is in the far lane
Saturday was also a day of "firsts" for me. For the first time in my life I ran 9 miles. I think before that the longest I had ever ran was 7 miles at one time, so this was quite the accomplishment. After running on Saturday I feel like cardiovascularly I could finish a 1/2 marathon...physically I am still not there. My body wanted to quit on me at about mile 7....good thing I still have 1 1/2 months left to train. As the race gets closer I am getting excited...part of the excitement will come from not having to train, but that is how it is with any sport...the competitions are a lot more enjoyable than the practices.Posted by Alisha at 8:48 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Time Flies When You Are Having Fun!
The last couple of weeks have flown by. In the last couple of weeks we have been busy, but in a good way. Last weekend, we spent our Saturday supporting Jeff in his scout calling. The scouts were going canoeing at a nearby lake Saturday morning so Jeff invited us to come along. The girls were excited for the adventure. It was a beautiful day on Lake Wedowee, but canoeing was not what my girls had expected.
First, Kendal who is the cautious one in our family, quickly realized how small and unstable a canoe is on a lake and after the launch you could here her screaming loud and clear. Jeff tried to see if she would calm down and realize it wasn't as bad as it seemed, but she was having none of it. After a quick trip, she quickly jumped out of the boat when they reached shore.
Bayley really wanted to paddle herself, but as it was an extremely windy day and there where only two paddles in the boat this was not possible. So she was a little disappointed in the whole trip. She did enjoy jumping into the lake and swimming around for a bit, but that was the highlight for her. Maybe we will try canoeing again when they are a little bit older! Jeff had another activity with the young men that night, so that was pretty much our day. We did have visitors later in that evening, when Daryl, Jeff's Dad, and Terri dropped by on their way to Destin. It was nice to have them around for Sunday morning before they continued their trip. The kids LOVE visitors!
Bayley continues to love swim team and dance. Her first swim meet is this next Saturday, so she will be practicing a couple of extra days this week to gear up for the meet. She is very excited and I think will do very well! This week is her fall break from school, so we have a couple of fun activites planned. We plan on hitting a couple of museums, having a picnic in the park and maybe taking a day trip to Atlanta, but we will see. I think she will enjoy sleeping in and having very little schedule just as much as any of the activities.
Kendal is still Kendal. What can I say? She loves her dance, her babies, and most of the time loves to help around the house. She is definitely my big helper at this point. She loves to fold laundry, put away clothes, hang up clothes, help her daddy take out the garbages, and help take care of her little brother Trey. When she is good she is very very good, but when she is naughty she is very very naughty. There is very little middle ground. Fortunately she leans more towards the good rather than naughty.
Trey is feeling much better this week. He is completely over his cold and in to everything. It is so funny to watch this little guy march around the house. He is developing more personality every day. He definitely knows what he does and doesn't want and knows usually how to get it. Lately he has been a very picky eater. Suprisingly to me he likes baby food better than table food at this point. He will eat fruit and drink milk all day long, but put macaroni, a sandwich, crackers, or just about any other table food and he won't have much to do with it. He is a funny boy! 
My big news is that I ran a 5K this weekend with Jeff. Originally I was planning to run it alone, but Jeff decided in the last week that he would join me, even though he hasn't run in about 3 months. We found a 5K located close to my parents house in Marietta, and Saturday morning ran together.
The race was not very well attended (there were probably only 40 runners), but Jeff and I had a good time. We stayed close most the of the race, but I ended up pulling away in the end. My time was 26:30, which was well below my goal of 28 minutes (the time in the picture is not our actual times). I was very excited! Plus, I finished 5th overall and Jeff finished 6th overall. It was funny...we received trophies for winning our age groups! Not too bad for our first race??? Anyway, I am beginning to see how running could become addictive. 
We spent our weekend in Marietta with Grandma and Grandpa "G" and Grant, Alyssa, Olivia, and Alyssa's sister Erin. Spencer and Leigh joined us this afternoon for dinner. The girls had been dying to see Olivia and for a visit to Marietta, so we had a great time. I can't believe another couple of weeks have flown by. I have to say my blogging has been negatively affected by my current reading obsession...The Twilight Series. I am on the second book New Moon and hope to finish the 3rd book by the end of the week, so I quit neglecting some of my other hobbies.

Posted by Alisha at 8:38 PM 5 comments
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