Thursday, June 14, 2007

Trip to Indiana

I've finally found a quiet moment this evening to write about our trip this last weekend to Indiana. The kids and I met Jeff last Friday afternoon in Birmingham, which is about 1 hour from our house. From Birmingham we travelled north as far as Louisville, Kentucky and then spent the night in a hotel there. The kids did all right travelling...I think they were tired and it has been a while since we have done that long of a trip...yea, it has only been 3 months but for us that is a long time. Saturday morning we got up early and ate breakfast at the hotel and then headed further north to Madison, Indiana to spend the day celebrating Great-Grandpa Thornton's 80th Birthday. It was a beautiful day, so we grilled out and spent most of the day eating and visiting. The kids had a great time outside and loved getting to see all of the Thornton's. It was fun to have Aunt Karen in from California. She took over the duties of entertaining the kids with crafts, drawing, and other fun nick nacks. She found time to do this as well as function as photographer and planner. I look forward to seeing her pictures. Here are a couple that I captured of the fun day!

Kendal eating and visiting with Uncle Barry

The Thornton Family

Trey, Alisha, Jeff, Daryl, Kendal, Karen, Terri, Kelly, Cheryl,

Barry, Bayley, Grandma Thornton, Grandpa Thornton

After a fun day in Madison, we headed back to Lousiville to spend another night at the hotel. Sunday morning we got up early, ate breakfast and headed to church there in Louisville. It is so nice to go anywhere in the world and be able to find a meetinghouse where you feel comfortable and you know how and what they are going to worship. After church, we headed to Rising Sun, Indiana to spend a couple of days with Papaw Rick, Grandma Nancy, Dixie, Jason and Jordan. We had another couple of days of wonderful weather so we spent a lot of time outside. The kids played hard and didn't get there normal amounts of sleep. Towards the end they were starting to show their fatigue by their behaviour. Anyway, I'll try to cover some of the highlights of our time in Rising Sun.

Definitely one of the activites that my girls enjoyed the most was riding on Jordan's Powerwheels truck. Bayley and Kendal couldn't get enough of the toy. Jordan did a great job sharing and we have been reaffirmed in our belief that the girls and no where near ready to drive on the road. It was fun to watch!

Even Trey got in on the action

That is one tough could still move with all 3 of them hanging on

Another highlight of the trip was our trips to the pool Monday and Tuesday. Rising Sun has a brand new swimming pool with a waterslide, baby pool and diving boards. The girls and Trey had a great time there...however, the water was a bit chillier than we have become accustomed to. Here are a few pictures!

After the pool, the girls enjoyed their afternoon popcicles on the porch swing. The porch swing also served as a mock roller coaster at one point in addition to being a swing. Sitting on the swing under the porch made me even more excited about getting our new porch swing here at our home in Alabama. There is nothing like sitting next to someone you love at the end of the day and enjoying the tranquility of a day winding down. Here are some more pictures!

Popcicles on the front porch
Porch swing roller coaster
Of course we had to have a silly picture on the porch swing

We didn't get to see Papaw Rick very much because of his work schedule, but when he was around we enjoyed his company. The girls begged for a ride on Papaw Rick's new Harley and he obliged. Here are the pictures.

Well, there are most of the highlights and pictures! We had a great time and appreciate all that everyone did to make our trip a success! We can't wait to go back!


Lindsay Griffeth said...

Sounds like a great vacation! Glad you guys had a good time....

Weston said...

Sounds like you were very very busy with the kids and travel!!! I have to say it I am jealous.