Blogging went out the window this summer. Not that we didn't have anything to blog about, just that it has not been a priority of late. I really need to do better because I am missing great stuff and this is my journaling. This is going to be a long post with lots of pictures but I thought it would be the best way for me to remember and record some of the fun stuff we have been up to the last couple of months! I am going to try to go in chronological order starting with the most recent stuff and moving back.
A couple of months ago Kendal went to a birthday party at Build-a-Bear. Ever since then Trey has wanted a Build-a-Bear. For his birthday from one of his grandparents he got a gift card to Build-a-Bear and since then had been bugging me to take a trip to the mall. Well last week we got our chance. He loved every minute of it, from picking out the bear, picking out an outfit, stuffing the bear, naming the bear, bathing the bear and finally bring Smarty, the bear, home.
He was one happy kid!
Trey bathing Smarty
Indiana (Jeff's 20 year reunion)
Jeff's 20 year high school reunion was this August and was planned to coincide with the county's Swiss Wine Festival. Twenty years ago when Jeff graduated from high school the festival was not really all that big, but since then has grown up a lot. Jeff hasn't really been back home other than to see family since he graduated so he looked forward to seeing some of the people he grew up with. And since the festival is always held after our kids have started school, we decided it would be a good time to take the kids out of school (while they are young) and not only get to experience the Swiss Wine Festival but also allow Jeff to attend his 20 year high school reunion. We spent the first couple of days with Jeff's Dad and Terri who live only about 45 minutes from Louisville. So one afternoon we travelled down to Louisville and enjoyed their Children's Science Museum, the Lousiville Slugger plant and walking around downtown Louisville. The kids had a great time and returned home pretty exhausted. The last couple of days of the weekend we spent with Jeff's Mom and Rick. With them we went to the parade and spent an afternoon and the Wine Festival. The kids LOVED it! They had some money and the money burnt a hole in all of their pockets. The left with lots of goodies (trash to some of us) and great memories. While Jeff and I went to his reunion the kids also got a chance to hang out with their cousins and go miniature golfing. Needless to say it was a fun-filled day and they were exhausted at the end of it. Jeff and I had a good time at his reunion where it was fun to catch up with old friends and realize how quickly time passes by. We had a great trip!

It wouldn't be a fair without funnel cake!

Bayley was the only one of the kids that wanted to try the rides...this was the hang glider.

This picture cracked me up!

Here is Alex, Jeff's cousin, handing out candy to the kids during the parade.

One night we headed over to the park where the kids had a great time swinging, sliding and enjoying the beautiful weather by the Ohio River.

Who wouldn't be smiling with their grandma pushing them in a swing?

Kendal in the batting cages. This was the kids first chance to go to the batting cages. It was a quick trip but I think they enjoyed it. The cages were attached to the Louisville Slugger museum.

Bayley and the man. I love their individual poses.

Trey buddied up to the man.

Kendal was serious with the man.

The kids loved the pretend play area. Adison loved the bus that sang one of her favorite songs "The Wheels on the Bus".

Kendal was all about playing doctor!

The kids loved the mirror prism at the front of the museum.
Bayley Turns 10
Hard to believe that I have a child that has hit double-digits. Bayley is growing up way too fast. I look at Adison and remember Bayley at that age and it doesn't seem very long ago. She is maturing very quickly. She continues to grow in heigth and is still one of the tallest in her class. She is very responsible most of the time and when she is not I am quickly reminded that she is ONLY 10. She is an great big sister who keeps her siblings on their toes. She is going to continue taking piano this year, is taking dance and is going to give basketball a shot this winter. She LOVES reading and is really good at it. I wouldn't say the Bayley is the most organized or neat child, but she can be when she wants to. This year for her party she had a couple of girls over for dinner, decorating cupcakes, a movie and a few games. It was deemed a "late over" and was a lot of fun. She asked for money for her birthday and is still trying to pin down exactly what she wants to buy....if she doesn't decide quickly I think most of it will be spent on food...she loves food, especially sweets! We sure love Bayley and are so proud of person she continues to become.

Keeping with annual tradition, Bayley enjoyed decorating her birthday cake.

Decorating cupcakes at Bayley's birthday party.

The girls at dinner (we served spaghetti, bread and watermelon)
First Day of School 2011
Bayley and Kendal started school August 15th. Bayley is in the 5th grade and has Mrs. Davis as her teacher. She is attending the new Brocks Gap Intermediate school where 5th and 6th graders attend. She has graduated to having a locker and the bigger school, so she feels much bigger. Already I have seen an increase in homework and responsibility which is a good thing for our smart girl. She continues to have challenges with spelling, but other than that she grasps concepts very quickly. Kendal is in the 2nd grade and has Mrs. Laxon. Her teacher is the perfect fit for our Kendal so she should have a great year. She is catching onto reading and is not a procrastinator at all. She comes right home, does her homework and then is ready to play. It should be a great year. Trey sure thinks he is ready for school. It is going to be a challenge keeping him busy this year, but we will have him very ready for kindergarten next year!

First day of school 2011. She was excited even though she isn't smiling.

First day of school 2011 getting on the bus.

Sunday picture! Love these kids!
Trey Turns 5 years old
Trey is such a funny kid. Every night for the last few months he has asked how many days until his birthday. When is big day finally arrived he was fortunate enough to get to celebrate it a couple of days. On his actual birthday we had a busy day filled with breakfast in bed (donuts from Krispy Kreme), play dates, and then dinner and presents. The next day 4 packages arrived in the mail so he felt like it was his birthday all over again. Then on Friday we had his little birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. We decided to keep it just family this year so it was pretty low key, but he and the rest of the kids had a great time! He loved being able to celebrate a couple of extra days and definitely milked it for all he was worth. As a five year old, Trey is growing up but still trying to figure out boundaries and what works for him. He tries to exhibit his independance all of the time, but the majority of the time it seems at the wrong time so their are breakdowns. He loves his sisters...looks up to the older ones and loves to torment the younger one. He is a very good boy most of the time and is extremely smart. He loves to draw, write, and can't wait to begin reading....our goal for this year! He is going to play soccer this fall and would love to play basketball in the winter. He plays with dolls and my little ponies a lot less, but every once in a while we catch him enjoying their hair. What a kid!

Adison had to try on the crown!

Adison riding the horse...she didn't want to get off. (guess who I was hanging out with most of the time while the bigger ones ran around playing games)

Trey receiving the birthday crown!

Trey wanted a water balloon fight on his birthday and that is just what he got!

Trey opening presents and counting his money!

Breakfast in bed! He LOVED it!

Trey and Adison...I love the blue on those two!

Sunday pictures...seriously tan kids!
Birmingham Zoo
We have a membership to the McWane Science Center, which my kids love, however once a year they had a reciprocal day where you can attend other places around the city for free with an annual membership. So we decided to spend a Saturday at the zoo since it was free. The kids love the zoo, but I only love it about once a year which is why we don't have a membership there. The kids enjoyed the animals, but loved the bubbles, water fountains and birds. It was a fun hot day!

Trey and the ostrich.

Bayley and the ostrich.

Funny kid!

I didn't bring their swim suits so the 3 younger ones enjoyed the water with their clothes on...Bayley wasn't about to get wet with her clothes on...oh well.

Trey loved the bubble pit!

Bayley was not afraid of the birds at all. Trey and Adison however wanted to look not touch!

Who knows what her problem was...maybe she didn't like the ostrich?
Indiana Trip #1 (Harold's Funeral)
Mid-July we made an unexpected trip to Indiana to celebrate the life of Jeff's grandpa Harold. Although it was sad to say good-bye we know that he is now reunited with Jeff's grandma Eloise and that they both are relieved of the physical pains they experienced on this earth. Harold was a great man who was a great example to Jeff. We will miss him very much.
We decided to extend our visit to Indiana and ended up staying about a week. The kids had a great time and enjoyed the visit.

The kids dancing in the street on Friday night in Rising Sun. They had a local band playing in the street and the kids took to the streets!

Just enough room for our crew!

Our silly family picture...I love Bayley's silly pose (you can tell she is growing up).

Family picture in front of the river.

Dinner with the whole group! Yummy Mexican.

3 generations of Thornton Boys!

Breakfast at Cracker Barrel before we headed out. Filled stomachs, good company, happy kids!