The past couple of week have been packed with events and a lot of fun. Kendal and Trey finished up their softball and T-ball seasons. Kendal had a great last week and was a superstar in the field for her little team. They didn't do so hot in the tournament, but at 7 you don't really care as long as you get a cool trophy. Trey is catching onto some of the concepts of T-ball. The league was very relaxed on rules and organization which was a good introduction for our little guy. The best thing Trey has going for him right now is that he has an older sister who loves playing ball so when she is playing he usually will jump in and want to give it a shot. I think our little driveway play is probably just as beneficial as any league at this point.
The girls have a couple of more weeks before their dance recital. Like I have said before Kendal is ready to be done. Bayley still loves dance, but is trying to find the right fit. She wants to be with the older girls, but the more competitive it gets the harder it is to "dance up" so to speak. I am excited to watch the girls perform and see all that hard work, and monthly dance payments pay off.
As school winds down we are making plans for our summer. The kids are excited to have season passes to Alabama Adventures again. It is nice that the park is only 20 minutes away and has a little bit of everything for all of my kiddos. Between that and the library I have a feeling that is where we will spend most of our weekdays. On weekends we are planning on spending a lot of time at the lake. We are headed there this weekend and are very excited! It should be a good warm up for the next week when the Griffeth families roll into town for our annual Griffeth Family Lake Vacation.
Last weekend our family accompanied Jeff on one of his work trips to Point Clear, Alabama. Jeff had to work the days that we were there for about 1/2 of the day and the rest of the day was able to join us all for some fun. It was a great resort with lots of fun activites. We swam, rode bikes, kayaked, flew kites, played volleyball, played in the ocean water, partcipated in the cannon firing at the resort, and visited the USS Alabama (an old navy war ship that has been turned into a museum). It was a fun family vacation and we survived sleeping in one hotel room together.
Another highlight from the last couple of weeks was Jeff's annual company party at the Barons Baseball game. The kids always love going and visiting with new people, eat good food, and watching some of the baseball game. This year was extra special though because Kendal got to be one of the people who threw out the first pitch at the game. She was so excited and nervous even though I don't think she really understands how cool of an opportunity that really was. She loved not only throwing out the pitch, but loved watching the game. It was a unseasonably cold night so we left early, but I am sure we will try to catch a couple more games before the summer is over.