Monday, March 21, 2011
Spring Break 2010 Pictures
Posted by Alisha at 2:25 PM 7 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
February is a Short Month!
Bayley finished a successful season of basketball. She scored a couple of times, hung with the boys, and said she might even play again next year. I am so glad that she had a positive experience. Honestly I was a lot worried when I saw the make up of her team and the league and that it was mostly older boys. But she really surprised me with how tough she was and how she didn't back down at all to the challenge. They didn't pass her the ball as much as she would have like, however the boys on her team were so cute when she scored....they cheered like she had just hit a game winning shot. I thought it was awesome. By the end of the season, numerous coaches let Bayley know how much she had improved and how much potential she does have. We will see what the future brings, but she now knows she can do a sport and have fun doing it. She still is taking piano and coming along very nicely. She likes it, but doesn't like to be pushed too much. Our new compromise to make practice a priority is that she doesn't get dessert that night unless she practices her piano. The key to Bayley's desire is found through her stomach and desire for sweets! She is also still taking ballet. She hasn't really made any friends in her class this year, so it hasn't been as enjoyable as she would have liked. However, she is very excited about her recital in June.
Bayley was the flag bearer for her class during her trip to the American Village.
Kendal also had a good time playing basketball. She is still trying to figure out the rules, which is hard to do when you don't play by the "real" rules in basketball. In her league they weren't allowed to steal the ball from the other team or guard outside a certain area in the key. So after watching a game with me on TV she was sure the teams were fouling and breaking the rules by stealing the ball and gaurding outside the key. She is feisty when she wants to be and is very determined. She practices a ton and loves to be competitive. I'm sure she will even enjoy basketball more once she is allowed to play by the "real" rules. Now that basketball is over, she is gearing up for softball. She has a great coach this year and is the oldest on her team. I think she is excited to be a leader and to be one of the best players on the team. They take their softball serious around here, so I hope it is a great season. In school, she has really caught the reading bug and is doing a great job. She has started chapter books and loves trying to keep up with the best readers in her class. She loves to be challenged and I love that!
Kendal on the court!
Trey is gearing up for his first season of T-ball. It should be interesting. He is excited though and hopefully will have a positive experience. He is still doing preschool twice a week and looks forward to learning and spending a couple of hours with his friends. He struggles sometimes with being the only boy with three sisters, like when they were matching dresses in the pictures above. He was sad and felt a little left out, but we did our best to color coordinate his outfit and make him feel a part of the group. He does love his sisters...sometimes a little too much, just ask Adison!
Adison is the "baby" of our family in every way. She is a bit spoiled and knows it! She loves attention, especially when it is positive and is a bit of a show off sometimes. She has started to say a few words like ball, thank you, please, mom, dad, dog, nose, eyes, but she still longs to be able to communicate with words better. It's hard to believe she turns 18 months this month. She is my buddy and is a trooper running errands and running kids with me most of the time.
Posted by Alisha at 7:05 PM 4 comments