Twas two days before Christmas and things were finally settling down.
We're just finishing up the truffles to deliver around.
So that is the end of the rhyme time but really we are just settling in after a whirlwind of a December. It's been good. It is hard to believe that Christmas is just about here. After thinking, talking and preparing for months Saturday morning will come and the day will be gone before we know it. This year we are looking forward to waking up in our own beds on Christmas morning and enjoying the day together as a family. The next week we are headed to Georgia to spend time with the Griffeth's (minus Wes, Lindsay, Nate and Ryan). We are all very excited!
The girls have been out of school this week, so we have tried to do a couple of fun things with them during their down time. We've gone ice skating, spent some time at the library, and Jeff took the 3 oldest to the movies last night. Most of all I think they have enjoyed not having a schedule and have enjoyed lounging around for a couple of days.
Adison is in full walk mode. It is so fun watching this little person walking around. Jeff and I can't believe how big she is getting. She is growing up WAY too fast. She loves being able to carry things around as she toddles around. She is also figuring out what she wants and does a pretty good job of communicating what it is via fits and tantrums.